Friday, January 6, 2012

Greendale Employees Steal Pro-Walker Signs

From Mark Belling:

I have learned that employees of the Village of Greendale have been stealing pro-ScottWalker signs from yards in Greendale while on government time and that Greendale officials know about it. I will report in depth on this appalling abuse on Friday's program.

Not cool, Greendale employees and Greendale officials. Not cool.

1 comment:

David Hoffmann said...

I can believe that. My property takes have gone up 400 dollars in the past 2 years. should have gone down with Walker but I guess we did not take advantage of the new laws. Employess of Greendale want to keep the status quo and stick it to us so they spend their work day taking down pro Walker signs. Seems I read that Greendale supported Walker in the last election. But thats just the citizens not the union workers sho work for us.