Monday, January 30, 2012

Miss Piggy and Kermit and FOX News

Kermit and Miss Piggy blasted FOX News at their movie premiere press conference.

John Nolte writes:

The Fox News segment Kermit and Miss Piggy are responding to (in the video below) can be watched here, and you can see it’s a rather innocuous and perfectly valid discussion about the culture. As a response, and nearly a week after the segment aired, the Fox-hating entertainment media (which is all of them) viralized the clip, blew the controversy up into something it really wasn’t, and did so because they find it impossible to turn down an opportunity to prove they’re one of the minions in the club.

What effectively happened, though, is a week-old Fox Business segment was consequently amplified into the news narrative, which turned the new Muppet film into a political and partisan football. Only our wildly out-of-touch entertainment media minions would think this is a good thing, and as a consequence, a well-reviewed film that opened above expectations entered the divisive culture and political wars and didn’t do anywhere near as well at the box office as some had expected and hoped.

That, however, wasn’t the fault of the Muppets. That was the immature, clubby entertainment media. The video below, though, puts the Muppets themselves into this controversy, which will only further alienate a very large segment of their audience.


MISS PIGGY: It's almost as laughable as, uh, accusing Fox News, as uh, you know, being news!

I wish children's characters, like the Muppets, didn't make partisan, politically-charged remarks.

Too bad the puppeteer thought it was a good idea to attack FOX.

I don't like thinking of Kermit, that sweet gentle soul, as a liberal thug and Miss Piggy as a Leftist loon. I don't like picturing them in the Capitol rotunda in Madison shrieking, "FOX LIES!"

I do wish that beloved children's characters would remain apolitical. There are plenty of adults to promote political agendas. There's no reason to speak through a puppet.

Let the kids be kids.

Innocence lost is irretrievable. One of the great tragedies of life.


Here's the original segment from FOX News:

1 comment:

Fox Undercover Facebook said...

Lets face it, the Muppets have far more to offer society than Fox does.

A Fox "reporter" in Boston who ambushes people about their past (usually "little" people such as teachers and maintenance men who have no chance fighting news corp) has finally been caught lying right on video. He's been known to misreport and withhold information for years, but now they've got him telling it like it ain't.