Sunday, February 26, 2012

Zbigniew Brzezinski: 'Embarrassed as an American,' GOP Candidates

Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security advisor to Jimmy Carter, the worst president of the 20th century, repeatedly plunges off the deep end as he promotes his new book, Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power.

Speaking with John Bussey of the Wall Street Journal, Brzezinski calls Americans "abysmally ignorant."

Here's video:

At 6:48 on the video:

ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I'm very worried that, for example, the American public is so abysmally ignorant about the condition of the world; and yet in our system we cannot have a foreign policy that the public doesn't support. And a public that doesn't understand the world cannot support an intelligent policy. It's much more likely to be tempted by the simplistic, demagogic interpretations that some politicians are spreading around, particularly these days in the course of the presidential campaigns.


There are a number of many, really truly responsible Republicans, but the group that's competing for the presidency right now strikes me as remarkably shallow and divided, essentially, into two clusters, and I won't mention names: those who really believe what they're saying, which raises questions about their judgment, and those who are simply cynically pandering to what they view as the predominant public predisposition. Neither group is exercising responsible leadership.

Good grief.

It's sickening to hear Brzezinski speak as if he's an authority on "intelligent policy," given his track record.

Thank you for allowing Islamic radicalism to take hold on your watch, Ziggy.

He reiterates his support for Obama and trashes the Republicans.

Obama's foreign policy is based on apology and America's decline as a superpower.

No wonder Brzezinski likes him. He's just like Jimmy.

Brzezinski is in full campaign mode for Obama in an interview for CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS.

NewsBusters has the video and transcript.

FAREED ZAKARIA, HOST: In this fall’s election, you still prefer Obama to the alternative?

ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Oh, without a question, without a question. I mean, look at those Republican debates. I must say I literally feel embarrassed as an American when I see those people orate. One of them sounds like a medieval Savonarola. Another one is trying to explain why he has some of his wealth located in the Cayman Islands. And someone else would go back to 1780. And then there is someone who is using his credentials as a repudiated Speaker of the Congress to be president. I mean, this is just embarrassing.

Do you want truly embarrassing?

Brzezinski is embarrassing.

The Jimmy Carter presidency and his role in it are national embarrassments.

I "literally feel embarrassed as an American when I see [Brzezinski] orate."

1 comment:

Harvey Finkelstein said...

With friends like these...