Monday, March 19, 2012

John Kerry on Twitter

John Kerry wants followers.

Dear Mary:

Just a quick note (appropriately short given that the subject is Twitter). Our community has been ahead of the technological curve in a lot of ways; 3 million people strong, we've banded together online to do everything from raising money to help tsunami victims and fight cancer, to electing veterans and fighting disgusting smears against Barack Obama in 2008. Technology has continued to be the tip of the spear in so many ways when it comes to organizing -- and now a lot of that is happening in real time on Twitter. So, please sign up to follow me on Twitter on @JohnKerry.

It's a chance to have honest and open-ended conversations on everything from politics to the Senate and, yes, occasionally New England sports.

And hey, it's a rare chance to see a United States Senator struggle to express those thoughts in 140 characters or less!

So, give it a shot, feel free to send a tweet to @JohnKerry or just weigh in on whatever is on your mind. And you can also follow members of my team there on Twitter as well, so let's make it a Kerry family enterprise!


"JK" is not a 140 characters kind of guy.

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