Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Michelle Obama, Letterman (Video)

Here's video of Michelle Obama's visit to Late Show with David Letterman:

Knowing Michelle Obama was a guest, I actually watched a little bit of the show.

I haven't seen Letterman in such a long time. He looked so old and sounded frail. He seemed sedated.

Anyway, the portions I saw dealt with Letterman asking Michelle about parenting, as if she's the expert. It was creepy. He seemed so disconnected.

Letterman was talking about his 8-year-old son. Again, creepy to know he didn't love his son's mother enough to remain faithful to her.

Odd that Michelle Obama is considered such a great parent when she allows her 13-year-old daughter to go to MEXICO for spring break. Yes, the Obamas sent 25 SECRET SERVICE AGENTS with Malia and her 12 friends to accompany them on their spring break vacation. (Happy, taxpayers? You're paying for this.)

Mexico is a terribly dangerous place. Why would a parent expose one's child to potential threats? The U.S. State Department warns Americans of the danger.

I'm sure Malia and her 12 friends are in areas considered safe for travel, but the fact that 25 AGENTS are being paid with our tax dollars to protect them is telling. And troubling.

But I digress.

I suppose the fact that Letterman treats women, like Sarah Palin and her daughters, with such disrespect influenced the way I viewed his segments with Michelle Obama.

Michelle appeared to be very comfortable and relaxed. She obviously knew she was not going to face any tough questions or be challenged in any way.

I guess she didn't mind that Letterman has been merciless in his attacks on conservative women like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.

Will Michelle Obama soon be Bill Maher's guest?


From NewsBusters: Letterman Asks Michelle Obama 'Has Your Husband' Ever Said To You 'John Boehner, What An Idiot?'

It didn't take long for Republicans to get bashed during David Letterman's interview with Michelle Obama Monday night.

In the middle of an election year, the CBS Late Show host actually asked the First Lady, "Has your husband ever come home and said to you, 'Oh, that John Boehner, what an idiot?'”

After Mrs. Obama laughed along with the audience, she responded, “It has never happened. Never, never. He is always upbeat, particularly about Congress.”

Not funny.


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