Thursday, March 15, 2012

Obama American Flag Flown by Democrat Party

An American flag with Obama's face replacing the 50 stars was being flown at the Democrat party headquarters in Lake County, Florida.

When veterans asked the Dems to take the desecrated flag down, they initially refused and behaved disrespectfully.

Eventually, they did remove it.

From FOX News:

Veteran Jim Bradford, who first took notice of what he calls a “disgrace,” did some research and found that it was in violation of the flag code passed by Congress. The law states, “The flag should never have placed upon it or any part of it, any marks, insignia, letters, words, figures, designs, picture or drawings of any nature.”

He then went with other veterans and members of the media to the door of the Democratic headquarters to tell the group to take the flag down. During the interaction the woman who answered told them, “We want to do it in our own time and we’ll check it out.”

Bradford informs her that the flag is in violation of the code and the situation gets tense when he tells her they’ll take it down for her. Incensed, the woman responds “No you will not. This is private property.”

She also threatened to call the police, which she never did. The woman later stated, “We were given this as a gift. We are proud of our president, we’re proud of the United States, and we felt it was time to display that.”

They have, however, taken the flag down. The veterans gave the group a POW/MIA flag to replace it with, though it’s unclear whether they have done so.


It's good the Dems removed the Obama flag.

The Democrat woman certainly handled the situation very poorly. She became so defensive and made threats rather than being reasonable and polite. Bradford didn't deserve that sort of treatment.

She owed the veterans an apology rather than giving them grief.

Either the Democrats didn't know that displaying the Obama flag was a desecration or they did know and didn't care.

Either way, it's bad.


Harvey Finkelstein said...


These folks are nuts and have become clueless. The education system in this country is finally reaping real rewards for the Democratic party.

Mary said...

The Obama flag is so creepy.