Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Obama Approval: All-Time Low

Obama's reelection motto, "It's contraception, stupid," isn't translating into higher approval ratings.

In fact, Obama has hit an all-time low in approval according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

From the New York Times:

Despite improving job growth and an extended Republican primary fight dividing his would-be opponents, President Obama is heading into the general election season on
treacherous political ground, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

...In the head-to-head matchups [with Republican presidential candidates], Mr. Obama also maintained much of the advantage he had built in the last year among important constituencies, including women, although he lost some support among women over the past month, even as the debate raged over birth control insurance coverage.

Americans are still expressing confidence that the economy is staying the same or getting better, with those who believe that outnumbering those who view the economy as getting worse by nearly three to one. (Then again, 75 percent view the nation’s financial picture as “fairly bad” or “very bad.”)

Mr. Obama appears to be retaining much of his gains among important demographic groups, erasing inroads that Republicans made in 2010, especially among women. But his falling approval rating in the last month extended to his handling of both the economy and foreign policy, the poll found. And his weakening position cut across all major demographic groups, even among those with which he has kept an edge over his Republican challengers: independents, moderates, college graduates and younger voters.

Sharp as the drop in Mr. Obama’s approval rating was in the Times/CBS News poll, it was not in isolation. The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, released on Monday, also reported a drop in Mr. Obama’s overall approval rating, to 46 percent from 50 percent last month. The latest tracking poll from Gallup, also released Monday, showed Mr. Obama with an approval rating of 49 percent.

Obama is in the bad shape.


Because the country is in bad shape, and people are really hurting economically.

Unemployment, significant losses in home values, and rising gas prices are what people are experiencing in their daily lives.

It doesn't matter what the trends are or what economic indicators show. None of that matters.

What are people experiencing? A lot of pain. So many of us are not better off than we were four years ago.

Obama's demonization of bankers doesn't make that better. Just a smokescreen.

His fake "War on Women" game plan doesn't help Americans financially. More smoke.

What I find most alarming is not what Obama has failed to do as president, like enacting policies that really encourage economic growth, but what he has done.

ObamaCare, with all its lies ("If you like your doctor or health care plan, you can keep it"), is a disaster.

Obviously, Obama knows Americans object to government-run health care. You know if it were a winning issue for him, Obama would be bragging about his great accomplishment. Instead, we only hear crickets.

Obama's war on the First Amendment is unforgivable. It's unthinkable. His attack on religious liberty is power run amok. This is oppression, real oppression.

Obama did deliver change as president - terrible, living nightmare change.

Meanwhile, hope for a better future crashed and burned.

Obama's "War on the First Amendment" and his "War on Capitalism ('Spread the wealth around-style')" and his general class warfare approach have not translated into approval.

Obama's record is his undoing.

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