Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spike Lee Apologizes to McClains

Spike Lee FINALLY sucked it up and swallowed hard and apologized to Elaine and David McClain for retweeting their address as that of George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin.

From the Associated Press:

Spike Lee has apologized to a Florida couple who say they were forced to leave their home when a Twitter posting that the director helped spread listed their address as that of a man who shot an unarmed teenager.

Elaine and David McClain are in their 70s and say they have a son named William George Zimmerman who lived in their Sanford-area home in the mid-1990s. They say he is no relation to 28-year-old George Zimmerman who killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on Feb. 26.

...Lee tweeted late Wednesday: “I Deeply Apologize To The McClain Family For Retweeting Their Address. It Was A Mistake. Please Leave The McClain’s In Peace.”

Here's Lee's apology tweet:

I have no idea why Lee didn't apologize sooner.

I also have no idea why now Lee believes that "justice in court" is the way to handle the matter.

Obviously, when he retweeted what he believed to be George Zimmerman's home address, he was directing protesters and possibly deranged nutjobs to get "justice" in a different manner.

What a dramatic about-face on Lee's part!

It's good Lee apologized to the McClains, innocent victims.

It certainly seems more like damage control than an expression of sincere regret.

"No comment" doesn't magically turn into "deeply apologize."

Did Lee have a real change of heart?

Maybe he did.

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