Thursday, April 26, 2012

Al Sharpton and Jimmy Fallon (Video)

For the second night in a row, the allegedly apolitical Late Night with Jimmy Fallon showcased a Democrat guest - MSNBC host "the great Rev. Al Sharpton," in Fallon's words.

(Read "Obama's Fallon Appearance Violated Campaign Law.")

It was so odd to have to hear Fallon talk politics again. That's not the direction the show usually takes.

Of course, they talked about the great Obama.

After speaking of the wonderful Obama, Fallon asked Sharpton about Mitt Romney and his VP choice.

JIMMY FALLON: Romney's the guy for the GOP. He's the nominee. He's gonna be the candidate there. How about VP? What do you think? Who's gonna take it?

AL SHARPTON: Well, you know, they said Rubio from Florida. He said no. Jeb Bush. He said no. There are about three or four guys who've already turned him down. He reminds me of a guy, Spanky, I went to school with that couldn't get a date to the prom. I mean, nobody wants to run with him.

FALLON: Nobody wants to run with this guy, but he's got a big following.

SHARPTON: Oh, he's gonna, you can't underestimate him. He's gonna get a lot of support, and if he's smart, he will not let them talk him out of doing things that connect with people. You know, they were criticizing the president about doing your show. Romney should do your show.

FALLON: I would love to have Mitt Romney on the show. I'd love it. I'd love to have him on.

SHARPTON: He should come on. He should do the same things the president did. I would love to see... I mean, wouldn't it be a cultural phenomenon to see Mitt Willard Romney and The Roots? I mean, America would live for that.

FALLON: People would like that. That would be fantastic. I'd love it. I'd do it. I like that President Obama actually goes out and talks to people. He goes on shows, he goes, you know, on The View. He's on Twitter. He's on Facebook. It's like, he's like a social media president.


SHARPTON: And if we're gonna have a dialogue in the country, we don't have to agree. Everybody ought to, I think, you know, I don't, obviously, agree with Romney; but Romney should be heard. And I think young people ought to hear him, and then they'll know he has nothing to say.

(Big laugh from Fallon and cheers from the audience)

Note to Fallon and Sharpton: Mitt Romney is on Twitter and Facebook.

Was Sharpton given the mission to respond to Obama's critics, trying to spin for Obama appearing so unpresidential on Fallon's show?

NBC/MSNBC is obviously completely in the tank for Obama.

After they slammed Romney, Fallon moved on to questions about Rodney King and Trayvon Martin.

I know Fallon is obliged to promote NBC/MSNBC stuff, but it still is troubling to hear Fallon talk up what a great guy Sharpton is.

FALLON: You do great stuff - the National Action Network. Congratulations on that. How long has that been going now?

SHARPTON: Twenty-first year, civil rights organization I started. We're now all over the country....

Yeah, that Tawana Brawley episode was really great stuff. Sharpton is a great guy.

Fallon ended the interview with more praise for Sharpton.

FALLON: So get out there everybody and register to vote. Go to and find out more about what's going on with the great Rev. Al Sharpton.... Watch the show, Politics Nation, over at MSNBC.

So the politicization of late night TV continues.

I tune in to escape being bombarded with politics.

I'm looking for a diversion. Instead, I get Democrat propaganda and have to hear conservatives ridiculed.

Very unpleasant. Certainly not entertaining.

I should have watched that Seinfeld rerun.


Here's video of the interview:

Reverend Al Sharpton, Part 1 (4/25/12)

Reverend Al Sharpton, Part 2 (4/25/12)

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