Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Beth Myers and Mitt Romney

About a week ago during an appearance on CNN, Obama surrogate Hilary Rosen said ridiculous things about Ann Romney, like she has "never worked a day in her life."

Rosen also said some crazy things about Mitt Romney.

She said Mitt Romney was "old-fashioned when it comes to women" and "he doesn't really see [women] as equal."


Rosen's ramblings were flat-out lies.

Romney is looking to a woman for one of his most important decisions as the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party.

Beth Myers, a woman (GASP!), will be aiding Romney on his search for a vice presidential running mate.

From CBS News:

The first thing you need to know about Beth Myers, Mitt Romney's senior advisor who will be leading the search to pick his vice presidential nominee: She's not going to pull a Dick Cheney.

"I would say that is not a high likelihood," Myers joked when asked tongue-in-cheek by CBS News/National Journal if she planned to replicate the actions of George W. Bush's vice president, who was appointed to lead the veep search before settling on himself.

Myers is a relatively private person whose new responsibilities on the campaign thrust her into the spotlight Monday after Romney told ABC News' Diane Sawyer that he has tapped his longtime aide to vet his future running mate.

Myers knows Romney well. She met him in the 1990s when she moved back to Massachusetts (she had first lived there while attending Tufts University) but got to know him well in 2002 when she volunteered on his gubernatorial campaign. She served as his chief of staff during his time as governor before managing his unsuccessful 2008 bid for the presidency.

And that leads to the second thing you need to know about Myers: She's Romney's longtime confidante, the person who will gather and sift through information about the potential candidates and present them to the former Massachusetts governor.

She'll be his eyes and hears and constant conversation partner in this process -- she has the office right next to his in the campaign's Boston headquarters -- but the decision about who to pick will ultimately the result of Romney's judgment, not a recommendation from his staff.


Beth Myers' role in Romney's past and present campaigns debunks Hilary Rosen's idiotic claims that Romney is "old-fashioned when it comes to women" and "he doesn't really see [women] as equal."

Let's look at the facts. This is not difficult.

Clearly, Romney doesn't have some backward, old-fashioned opinion of women. His confidence in Beth Myers shows that he doesn't view women as inferior to men.

That caricature of Romney doesn't fly.

There's nothing factual about it.

It's utterly false. It's unfair. It's a lie.

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