Monday, April 23, 2012

Obama and the War on College Students

The struggling Obama attempted to secure women's votes with his lame War on Women strategy.

Now, he's targeting young people. Obama is claiming Republicans are waging a War on College Students.

From the Associated Press, via Breitbart:

Eager to energize young voters, President Barack Obama is depicting Republicans as obstacles to an affordable college education, using his Internet and radio address Saturday to preview an argument he will take on the road next week to university campuses in states crucial to his re-election.

"This is a question of values," Obama said in his weekly commentary. "We cannot let America become a country where a shrinking number of people do really well while a growing number of people struggle to get by."

Obama is calling on Congress to extend a law that cut interest rates on a popular federal loan program for low- and middle-income undergraduates. If the law expires, the rates will double on July 1, from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent.

While Obama blames Republicans for voting against new ways to make college more affordable for middle-class families, it was House Democrats who cut interest rates on the school loans in 2007 and included an expiration provision that placed the looming increase in the middle of an election year.

On Friday, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said more than 7 million students would be financially squeezed if rates go up, to the cost of an additional $1,000 on average.

In his trip next week, Obama will go to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Colorado at Boulder on Tuesday and the University of Iowa on Wednesday. The three schools are in states Obama carried in 2008 but are in play this year in his race against the likely Republican nominee, Mitt Romney.

...The courting of young voters next week will include an appearance on NBC's "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" show, which will be taped while Obama is in North Carolina.

Obama's University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campaign rally will be packaged as entertainment on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, televised by NBC.

I'm so sick of Obama using our tax dollars, our money, to travel around the country campaigning.

I'm sick of Obama crafting false claims, lying about Republicans.

"While Obama blames Republicans for voting against new ways to make college more affordable for middle-class families, it was House Democrats who cut interest rates on the school loans in 2007 and included an expiration provision that placed the looming increase in the middle of an election year."

Obama is so dishonest.

Bottom line: He's using our tax dollars to buy votes.

I have a problem with that.


jimspice said...

Do you also have a problem with Gov. Walker flying all over the country on a never-ending campaign junket?

dmarks said...

Blame the illegitimate special interests who have forced Walker to campaign at such an odd time. Usually campaigning comes around every 4 years for just a brief time.

If the union "workers" and others who forced Walker to campaign now have such a problem with the cost of the campaign, they should send Walker a check to cover it. Lord knows they have enough money; due to the cushy union contracts over the years they have a lot of extra money from the government handouts.