Thursday, May 31, 2012

Barrett - Can't Name Schools Hurt by Walker Reforms

Thank you, Weekly Standard.

Thank you for doing the job that local media in Wisconsin are failing to do.

The Weekly Standard asks questions that our media and professional political reporters like Mike Lowe of FOX6 News aren't asking Tom Barrett.

Thanks to the Weekly Standard for revealing that Tom Barrett has no specific job creation policies for the state of Wisconsin.

It's shocking that the Democrat candidate for governor in this historic recall election is incapable of describing something as fundamental as a plan to create jobs.

Now we learn that Barrett, harsh critic of Act 10's impact on Wisconsin schools, can't name a single school district harmed by Governor Scott Walker's reforms.

From the Weekly Standard:

[Scott] Walker's Democratic challenger, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, acknowledged this morning that the collective bargaining issue was the "flame that started this" recall election, but Barrett couldn't point to a single public school that has been harmed by Walker's reforms.

Here's a transcript from a press conference at Barrett's campaign headquarters in Milwaukee Wednesday morning:
TWS: On collective bargaining, mayor, the governor and his campaign have pointed to a number of... schools across the state that heave benefited from the reforms in Act 10. Which school districts have been hurt in particular, in your view, by Walker's policies and his reforms? Are there any that stand out in your mind?

BARRETT: Well, I support the restoration of collective bargaining rights. And that's what this is all about--whether you support workers' rights. And I support workers' rights.

TWS: But are there any school districts in particular, though, that have been hurt by Act 10?

BARRETT: I have talked to prison guards, I can tell you that, who are concerned about their own public safety because of the changes in the law, and I'm very concerned about that as well

TWS: But no school districts—

BARRETT: We can do an analysis and get back to you on that.

Barrett does not dodge and weave with grace.

When asked to name a school district hurt by Act 10, Barrett says he's talked to PRISON GUARDS!

That is priceless.

Maybe Barrett is thinking of Milwaukee Public Schools and the heavy police presence needed to maintain order. The schools are prisons, not places of education.

Of course, the real reason Barrett stumbles and fumbles on the question is because he knows of no school districts damaged by Act 10.

Governor Walker's reforms are working, and Barrett knows it.

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