Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jim Palmer and Tom Barrett and Wife Abuse

Tom Barrett, working on his third attempt to become Wisconsin's governor, is claiming Scott Walker is waging a War on Women.

Of course, Obama and Democrats are using this bizarre, trumped up War on Women strategy in their campaigns.

Note to Barrett: Governor Walker is not engaged in a War on Women. As a Wisconsin woman, I would notice if that were the case.

Nonetheless, since Barrett wants to make the treatment of women an issue in his campaign, it's relevant to discuss the abuse of women. I'm sure Barrett would not want to be aligned with someone who has a history of being physically violent with his wife. To do so, without comment or condemnation, smacks of hypocrisy.

Barrett, alleged protector of women, has a problem when it comes to Jim Palmer, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association.

FOX 6 has the story.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, the Democratic front-runner in the gubernatorial recall race against Governor Scott Walker, announced his first major union endorsement. Barrett’s critics are raising questions about the personal life of a leader of the organization that endorsed him.

Barrett’s first major union endorsement is the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, and front and center – Jim Palmer, the organization’s executive director. “Tom Barret has consistently demonstrated his support for those who serve in public safety,” Palmer said.

Critics are raising questions, saying Palmer has a troubled past that undercuts Barrett’s message. In court documents, Palmer’s wife says “Jim has engaged in aggressive, physical contact with me in the past, and has received anger management for those actions. However, he still cannot control his temper.”

Barrett and other Democrats have made “the war on women” a central issue in the recall campaign.

The Republican Party told FOX6 News in a statement: “If these allegations are true, then it is absolutely shameful that Tom Barrett, for political purposes, would falsely attack Governor Walker’s record on women’s issues while standing next to a man with an alleged history of using physical force against his own wife.”


You can be sure that if Jim Palmer were a Scott Walker supporter, more local media outlets would be all over this story.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has promised not to cover it.

Hold Them Accountable has Palmer's email, telling Team Barrett to breathe a sigh of relief.

In an email to his board and staff, Jim Palmer, President of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association brags that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel passed up a story about his alleged record of domestic abuse and harassment. Palmer's wife accused the union president of using physical force on her.

Fox News 6 covered the story, noting that Palmer's endorsement of Mayor Tom Barrett came on the same day Barrett launched his new ad accusing Scott Walker of conducting a war on women. Apparently the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is only interested in digging into the personal lives of people who support Scott Walker.

Read Palmer's email below:

Dear WPPA Board & Staff:

Please see the link below. The Republican Party of Wisconsin has turned their sights on me in an effort to diminish the WPPA's endorsement of Tom Barrett in his bid to unseat Scott Walker.

At this time, I do not expect additional stories to occur. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel looked into this story and decided against it.

Of course, the Journal Sentinel decided against it.

Dan Bice is busy reporting on the location of Scott Walker's campaign office.

That's front page, above the fold news for the Journal Sentinel.

Laughable. Bice and crew should be embarrassed. Unfortunately, they're blinded by their bias. Their professionalism is in serious trouble. They are functioning like political hacks rather than reporters.

Barrett and Palmer and Bice and the others at the Journal Sentinel have some explaining to do.

I think they're missing the fact that Walker's supporters know better than to look to the Milwaukee Leftist media for the truth.

We have other more reliable sources.

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