Monday, June 4, 2012

Barrett: Deer Hunting LIE

Tom Barrett, miserable failure as mayor of Milwaukee and man of questionable integrity, is LYING about Scott Walker.

The desperate Barrett is a PANTS ON FIRE LIAR.

Surprisingly, PolitiFact points out Barrett's LIE.

Picking up on chain email and internet rumblings, Democratic gubernatorial recall challenger Tom Barrett is hunting for votes in the June 5, 2012 election by aiming for Wisconsin’s 600,000 deer hunters.

Here’s the pitch:

"Scott Walker has a plan to privatize state lands," Barrett says on his campaign web site. "Don’t let Scott Walker take away your right to hunt deer on public lands!"

There’s even Facebook page called "Save Wisconsin Hunting" set up that is connected to an effort by the liberal Daily Kos web site to highlight the hot-button issue.

...[T]he man at the center of the issues is James Kroll, the Texas consultant hired for $125,000 by Walker to recommend improvements to the state’s deer management system. Kroll is known as "Dr. Deer" from his articles in hunting magazines and his appearances on hunting shows on TV.

...We asked Walker’s office about the governor’s plans for deer hunters.

"Governor Walker supports hunting on public land, always has supported hunting on public land, and will continue to in the future," Walker spokesman Cullen Werwire said in an email. "Governor Walker will not enact ‘steep fees’ to hunt on public lands. That is crazy."

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Barrett claimed "Scott Walker has a plan to privatize state lands" and "wants to sell our deer to the highest bidder."

The evidence for the claim goes back to a 10-year-old article that describes Kroll’s views about hunting in his home state of Texas, not Wisconsin. His final report has not been made, there is nothing about privatization in any preliminary recommendations, and Kroll has stated clearly he does not support private management of state lands for hunters. Walker has said the same.

Without any direct evidence, this claim looks like all heat and no light.

Pants on Fire!

Barrett is a liar.

That's the truth of it. Barrett, alleged nice guy, is a liar and not a nice guy.

He likes to say, "It's all about trust."

Barrett can't be trusted, a good reason not to vote for him.

In addition, his record as mayor of Milwaukee is abysmal. He has no plan for Wisconsin.

Barrett is lying because he's such a horrible candidate. He and his comrades know he wouldn't stand a chance in this recall election if he didn't make up crap about Scott Walker.

Team Barrett knows Walker has been a success as governor. His reforms have helped. Wisconsin's future is brighter because of Walker.

Barrett has nothing.

The reality is Barrett is disgracing himself. He's revealing his true character and it's not good.

As governor, he'd be as disastrous as he's been as mayor of Milwaukee.


jimspice said...

I know quite a few hunters that are worried.

Mary said...

I hope you're setting them straight and not allowing them to believe Barrett's PANTS ON FIRE LIES.

Or are you willing to lie, too?