Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Oreo: Gay Pride

For years now, the traditionally white filling of Oreos has been colored for different holidays, like orange for Halloween and red for Christmas.

It's a smart marketing trick.

This Oreo isn't available in stores.

It's a photoshopped concoction.

I like the way the rainbow-stuffed Oreo cookie looks.

I like rainbows and I like Oreos.

This nonexistent cookie, this picture, has caused a major stir.

From ABC News:

America’s favorite cookie is stirring up more than milk today after Kraft Foods posted a gay pride Oreo on the cookie’s Facebook page.

Oreo posted the photoshopped picture of an Oreo cookie stuffed with rainbow-colored layers of frosting Monday evening with the caption “Proudly support love!”

Over the past 17 hours more than 157,000 people have “liked” the image, 40,000 people have shared it and 20,000 have commented on it.

But while many of the comments were supportive, some Facebook users pledged to boycott the cookie because of the post.

“I’ll never buy Oreo again,” one commenter wrote.

“Disgusted with oreos,” wrote another. “Being gay is an abmonitation in GOd’s eyes i wont be buying them anymore.”

Basil Maglaris, a spokeswoman for Oreo’s parent company Kraft Foods, said in a statement that the image was part of a “series of daily ads reflecting current events in a fun way using images of OREO cookies and milk.” Kraft is not planning to sell the rainbow-stuffed Oreo in stores, Maglaris said, as it was created solely for the advertising campaign in honor of Pride month.

“We are excited to illustrate what is making history today in a fun and playful way,” she said in an email to ABC News. “As a company, Kraft Foods has a proud history of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness. We feel the OREO ad is a fun reflection of our values.”

So, there you have it.

The only thing that bothers me about this is I wish the rainbow symbolized my sexual orientation.

I like rainbows.

Question: What does an Oreo celebrating heterosexuality look like?


Mary said...

I think it should be noted that you don't have to be gay to experience discrimination, abuse, or bullying.

Heterosexuals can be singled out for being "different," too.

Tom Stedham said...

I don't mean to come to your blog and stir up trouble. If I offend, I apologize...
But I've never heard of a gay man, or a group of gay men, beating up someone for being "heterosexual"... You may be able to dig up an obscure story from somewhere, but it will be the exception.
But there are literally thousands of stories, from high school football teams, cheerleaders, churches, military units, etc etc etc. of straight people attacking gays.
That is the reason for the "special treatment" and "pride", etc.
I'm not gay, but I just don't understand the hatred and revulsion so many people seem to have towards them...

Mary said...

I don't understand the hatred and abuse directed at gay people. I don't get it. I think such attitudes and behavior are immoral.

My point is there are many people deemed to be outcasts. They are mercilessly attacked, too; yet no one speaks for them. They don't get a cookie or a parade.

I'm simply saying that being abusive and cruel is wrong. Sexual orientation is irrelevant.