Tuesday, June 19, 2012

War on Soda

First, they came for the soda.

I drink diet soda, but I see the banning of "large" sugar-sweetened drinks as a threat to my freedom to choose.

It's only a matter of time before the War on Soda would spread to bans on my favorite foods and drinks.

From the Boston Globe:

Following in the footsteps of New York City, Cambridge is considering limiting the size of sodas and sugar-sweetened beverages in city restaurants.

Cambridge Mayor Henrietta Davis proposed the idea at the council’s meeting Monday night, saying she brought the idea forward because of the health risks caused by consuming too much soda.

“In addition to being an obesity threat, soda is one of the contributing factors to an increasing rate in diabetes and heart disease amongst younger people,” Davis said.

Davis said the ban she had in mind is similar to that recently proposed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, that would impose a 16-ounce limit on any sugary bottled or fountain drink that contains more than 25 calories per 8 ounces that is served at restaurants, delis, and movie theaters. The New York City proposal would not affect diet soda or any drink that is at least 70 percent juice, or half milk or milk substitute.

It is ridiculous to put a size limit on sugary drinks.

It is beyond stupid.

How does limiting the size of drinks help in battling obesity?

The size of the drink doesn't matter.

That won't limit the amount one chooses to consume.



It's nuts to put a "ban on soda and sugar-sweetened beverages in restaurants."

Why infringe on the right of private businesses to sell products that aren't necessarily dangerous?

A 16-ounce sugar-sweetened beverage has less calories than two large bananas.

It has less calories than one slice of cheese pizza from a medium-size pie.

Consuming lots of "empty calories" isn't healthy, but there are many ways to end up obese. One can overeat healthy foods and become overweight.

The War on Soda isn't going to achieve anything of value.

The proposed bans are crazy. They bug me.

We don't need Food Nazis. People should be allowed to choose.

Michelle Obama, Michael Bloomberg, and other Leftists assume that we're incapable of making the right choices, so the government must regulate our choices. The government must choose for us.

Some choices, of course, like killing unborn babies, are good.

The Obama regime insists you have the right to choose to have an abortion. That "choice" must be protected.

Forget religious liberty. All religious affiliated employers must be complicit in supplying "free" contraception, abortifacients, and sterilization to employees. No choice.

School choice? Don't even think about it.

Want a large soda? NO SUGARY SODA FOR YOU!

Killing an unborn baby: Yes.

Drinking a large Coke: No.

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