Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Letterman: Mitt Romney and Anderson Cooper

This is why I don't watch Late Show with David Letterman.

Letterman isn't funny.

He puts his politics ahead of entertaining his audience.

From Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters:

David Letterman said Monday that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is promising conservatives that if he's elected, "he will put Anderson Cooper back in the closet."

...As Late Show watchers know all too well, somewhere in Letterman's monologue will be attacks on the former Massachusetts governor.

"Mitt Romney vacationing in Lake Winnipesaukee," teased the host. "His money is vacationing in the Cayman Islands."

This from a guy whose net worth is almost twice as much as Romney's. But that doesn't stop him from making rich jokes about anybody.

Seconds later, it got worse.

"Mitt is now promising conservatives," Letterman said, "that if he is elected – because conservatives don’t think Mitt’s conservative enough – he’s promising conservatives if Mitt is elected, he will put Anderson Cooper back in the closet."

Here's video:


Not funny.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Obama drones like Letterman can be quite ignorant and despicable.Progressives like Letterman tend to stick to the old lies that anyone not a Progressive or Liberal must "hate gays," "love money over people," and "corruptible."

I agree, I think Letterman is not funny at all. He is like a creepy old man who sits at the mall and watch young woman all day.