Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Obama: Tax Increase for Small Businesses

Obama blames President George W. Bush whenever it's convenient.

Even after nearly one full term in office, Obama still won't take responsibility for the state of the nation.

Problem? Blame Bush.

President Bush is Obama's favorite excuse for the country's economic woes. President Bush screwed up the economy so royally that Obama can't undo the damage in four years.

Odd that Obama wants to keep President Bush's tax cuts alive, at least for some. Apparently, he thinks President Bush did something right.

From McClatchy News Service:

Obama urged Congress to pass a one-year extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for most Americans, but aides said he would veto a bill that included providing relief to households earning $250,000 or more, as GOP congressional leaders and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney want to do.

“Let’s not hold the vast majority of Americans hostage and our entire economy hostage while we debate the merits of another tax cut for the wealthy,” Obama said in the White House’s ornate East Room.

Obama’s appeal drew a disdainful response from Republicans on Capitol Hill.

“President Obama is still asleep at the switch when it comes to our economy and jobs,” said House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio.

Boehner spokesman Michael Steel noted that Obama made his pitch “just days after another dismal jobs report,” which showed the unemployment rate holding at 8.2 percent in June and the economy adding only 80,000 jobs during the month.

Obama is CLUELESS when it comes to creating jobs, absolutely CLUELESS.

He's playing election year games rather than doing what needs to be done to get the economy moving.

Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like a genius, with tremendous economic success as his legacy.

It is pathetic.

Obama not only is doing the wrong things to improve the economy. He's lying about what he is doing.

From John Nolte, Breitbart's Big Government:

With the economy threatening to fall into another recession and job growth plummeting, Obama came before the American people today demanding taxes be raised on those making over $250,000 a year, including what he admitted would include 3% of small businesses. Even if that 3% is correct, which is disputed, that 3% means a tax increase on 900,000 small businesses.

That's nearly a million small business owners who will now be even more crippled and have less capital available to expand their payrolls -- which of course means fewer jobs for the middle class and the poor who would like to someday enter the middle class.

Moreover, Obama's announcement today puts him to the left of Nancy Pelosi, who is only proposing raising taxes on those making over $1 million a year.

And who knew this was even possible, but Obama has moved to the left of even himself. In this video you can watch the President emphatically state that raising taxes on anyone, including the wealthy, during a recession is a bad idea:

Oh, God.

We need change. Immediately.

Obama is dooming the country.


Mark Levin's pre-election tax proposal:
Ok, two can play the Obama game. Here's the Levin proposal: A one year tax holiday from all federal taxes of any kind (income, payroll, capital gains, and death) for all tax filers with adjusted gross incomes of $200,000 or less, and all joint and business returns with adjusted gross incomes of $250,000 or less. The status quo will apply to all filers earning above these thresholds.

That would stimulate the economy.

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