Monday, July 2, 2012

ObamaCare: 75% Paid by Americans Making Less Than $120,000

Stephen Moore, economist and senior economics writer for the Wall Street Journal, says that three-quarters of ObamaCare costs will be paid by Americans making less than $120,000 a year.

STEPHEN MOORE: For Americans who are going to have to pay these fines, penalties, taxes, whatever it is you want to call them, it's going to be pretty darn expensive.

...You remember the President's promise that when he was elected no one who makes under $200,000 a year would pay a dime more of taxes. Well, guess what? We found that about three quarters of these, again, whatever you want to call them — taxes, fines, penalties — about three-quarters of those costs will fall on the backs of those who make less than 120,000 a year. So, it's a big, it's a big punch in the stomach to middle class families.

Don't buy the "penalties for freeloaders" spin from King Obama and his minions.

Obama lied.


Read "Middle-Class Promise Gap: Health Care As Obama Broke His Health Care Premiums Promise, Americans Watched The Gap Grow Deeper And Wider."

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