Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Akin Steps Aside

UPDATE: Akin defies mounting calls to withdraw from Senate race

I have some thoughts about Todd Akin and his decision to stay in the race. Given that it's my practice not to use foul language in my posts, it's difficult for me to express my reaction. Suffice it to say I am extremely unhappy with his choice. It's a very selfish move.


This is inevitable.

Todd Akin is not going to survive the barrage of calls for him to step aside.

The army against Akin is growing.

That's good.

Actions have consequences and Akin blew it. That's harsh, but this is no game.

Akin has to drop out of the race by 5:00 today. End of story.

If the Democrats think that Republicans aren't serious about winning in November, then they're underestimating the Republicans' grit.

Akin won't survive, and neither will Claire McCaskill.

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