Friday, August 24, 2012

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Anderson Cooper

Leftist Anderson Cooper refuses to allow DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to flat-out lie about Mitt Romney's stance on abortion.

What a liar!

There is a difference between Romney's position and Obama's position on abortion.

Obama supports women's "right" to have the horrific partial-birth abortion procedure.

The extremist Obama is even willing to allow a living, breathing baby who survives a botched abortion to be killed.

Nothing is more extreme than that.

Obama is the extremist when it comes to abortion.


Read about the Democrats' alleged "protection of women's rights."


peterjohn said...

Kudos to Anderson for being a stand up reporter. Reporters are so dishonest these days its disgusting, stand up job AC. He's a Democrat too, but still does what is right!

peterjohn said...

Stand up Job Anderson. Honest and un-biased. Unheard of these days! I'm a Conservative myself, but have always been a fan of yours, for this very reason. Keep it up ;-)