Sunday, August 12, 2012

Paul Ryan and Andrea Mitchell

Late Friday night/early Saturday morning, Chuck Todd, David Gregory, and Andrea Mitchell were on MSNBC, live, discussing the breaking news, that Paul Ryan would be Mitt Romney's running mate.

Mitchell looked awful. Her hair was a mess. Her makeup was terrible. She looked like she was wearing a bathrobe. She looked like she had taken her Ambien, slept for an hour, and then was propped up in front of the camera, incoherent.

It was not good. The group signed off with their live coverage at about 2:00 AM ET.

Mitchell was back on the air within 7 hours to cover the Mitt Romney event announcing Paul Ryan as his VP running mate.

Her lack of sleep provides no excuse for her terrible analysis and Left-wing propaganda.

From NewsBusters, video and transcript:

ANDREA MITCHELL: I think that you're going to see that they've decided that this is a base election.


MITCHELL: This is not a pick for suburban moms. This is not a pick for women. This is a pick for the base.

Mitchell is echoing one of the talking points from the Obama campaign.
Like Mitt Romney, Ryan’s severely conservative positions are out of touch with most Americans’ values. He would take us backward on women’s health and equal rights.

This "war on women" crap is back.

So lame.

Where does Mitchell get off saying "this is not a pick for women"?

Mitchell doesn't speak for American women. I'm thrilled with the choice.

Moreover, women are certainly part of the Republican base. Where does Mitchell get off saying, in effect, that women don't have a place in the party?

The base is united by ideas, not gender or race or sexual orientation or whatever.

Paul Ryan is definitely a pick for "suburban moms," the ones being taxed to death, the ones whose families are trying to cope with the Obama economic debacle.

Ryan is certainly a candidate women will support.

Here in Wisconsin, we know who Ryan is. We know he's an intelligent, articulate man, with strong conservative values, the values shared by millions of Americans, regardless of gender.

The Democrats and their media mouthpieces need to quit being so divisive. They need to open their eyes and try to understand what's important to Americans.

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