Monday, September 17, 2012

Jeff Zeleny: Obama Cairo Speech 'Quaint' (Video)

On FOX News Sunday, Jeff Zeleny of the New York Times commented on the Obama administration's insistence that the 9/11/12 Cairo embassy attack and the 9/11/12 attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in the murders of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, were due to a movie trailer offensive to Muslims. He also commented on Obama's Cairo Speech.

Zeleny, of course, is on the record as adoring Obama. Truly embarrassing.

But now, even Zeleny acknowledges that those "enchanting" early days of Obama's presidency were not what he thought they were.

Yes, even NYT Obama hack Zeleny sees Obama's 2009 Cairo speech in a different light.

JEFF ZELENY: If this administration, if it turns out a month from now that there was a major intelligence failure, I think this is going to look pretty irresponsible and silly right now to say that this is all because of the trailer for a video.

But look, I was at that speech in Cairo in June of '09, and I'm just struck by how much has changed and how much the, uh, looks, um, some of those comments sound - I don't know if naive - but, uh, uh, quaint given everything's that happened with the Arab Spring and things.... I mean, I think there's time for a reset of that reset, and we haven't heard the president talk about his policy a lot since then.

That's quite an admission from Zeleny.

Here's video:

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