Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Blogger Interface

The rug has been pulled out from under this blog.

The new and "improved" Blogger interface is terrible.

Navigating it is a nightmare.

Six or seven hours ago, all was well, business as usual.

Now, apparently, the old and far superior interface is permanently out of reach. It's gone.

I don't feel like dealing with this.


Fusion m0dz said...


I woke up, SS&S, Made my coffee, sat down to start my daily 8+ hours of blogging so I can pay my bills etc...

What I saw was absolute horror.

I can not see all of my widgets (most of which are hidden by the "body" and or are completely overlapping each other making it absolutely impossible to arrange anything), text is disappearing, my ad space is completely gone from the template, unless it's somewhere I cant see...

I tried top clear all widgets and start FRESH... NOPE that didn't work either. all it did was pile them on top of each other and hide them behind OTHER widgets.

I cant stand this. My day is absolutely ruined. I can not use this interface at all. It's so terrible I am seriously considering closing blogs that I have had up for 5 years to move them somewhere else.

The feedback "form" is absolute bulls**t... you have to highlight and blackout items that your having broblems with, but it only lets you highlight and blackout things that THEY think in necessary.. you cant highlight things that YOU want to highlight...

I hate it!
I absolutely HATE this garbage.
What a waste of a day!

Mary said...

I don't see how Google can think the new interface, with all its enormous bugs, is an improvement.

I agree. The feedback form is a joke.

Harvey Finkelstein said...

You can migrate the entire thing over to Wordpress.

Greg said...

Agreed, the new interface is really bad. I sent them some "feedback" about restoring the old one. Please, Google, please listen to your users.

Mary said...

What really ticks me off is now video embed codes don't work, unless it's a YouTube video.

That's a major obstacle in blogging.

Google appears bent on sending users to Wordpress.