Friday, September 28, 2012

Obama Lied about Libya - BUSTED

Obama's cover-up of the 9/11/12 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya has unraveled.

He and his surrogates are mired in weeks of lies.

From John Nolte, Breitbart's Big Peace:

The wheels appear to be coming off a two week attempt by the Obama Administration to cover up its fatal security failures at our consulate in Libya and to cover up the very fact that this was a successful pre-planned terrorist attack that cost four American lives, including that of our Libyan Ambassador, Christopher Stevens.

Not only has the scandal picked up steam in the mainstream press (Jake Tapper's ABC News report tonight is a must-watch), but high-ranking members of the President's own party are now demanding answers. This includes the man most often cited as a likely Secretary of State should Obama win a second term, Senator John Kerry.

...The false White House narrative blaming the murders on a protest gone bad over a YouTube video never really passed the smell test. But Obama maintained that illusion straight through to his speech before the United Nations two days ago, even as reports surfaced that our government knew al-Qaeda was behind the attack within 24 hours. Apparently, this has become too much to sweep under the rug for some of the mainstream press and Democrats.

The behavior of Obama and Secretary of State Clinton over the past 14 days is a scandal of the highest order. Lies, cover ups, and neglect for security of American intelligence and personnel that borders on criminal.

I've been skeptical that the same media, that early on conspired in this cover up by intentionally pouring all of its focus and fire on Mitt Romney's criticism of the Cairo Embassy apology, would go near this before the election. But the sins are so great and glaring, it doesn't look as though ignoring it will be possible for another 40 days.
Here's Tapper's report:

It's shocking that Tapper and ABC News is actually reporting on the Obama cover-up. I assume Obama was counting on his allies in the press to continue to assist in his cover-up.

Even some Democrats abandoned Obama's BS explanation of the attack.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., circulated a bipartisan letter addressed to Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Nides, asking for an "accounting of the attacks against U.S. missions in Egypt, Libya and Yemen," according to a copy obtained by The Washington Examiner.

The lawmakers are also demanding to know whether the administration had any advance warnings of the Libyan attack and, if so, whether it had shared that information with U.S. personnel on the ground.

The letter marks the first time congressional Democrats have so directly expressed their dissatisfaction with the administration's response to inquiries about the attacks, which resulted in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others and raised questions about U.S. security throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa.

A Kerry aide confirmed that the committee intended to enlist the support of Republicans and Democrats and said the letter would likely be sent Friday. Another aide told The Examiner that the panel's 10 Democrats and nine Republicans plan to sign it.
Tapper's report reveals that Obama and company were intentionally deceptive, lying to the American people, pushing that implausible crap about a lame video for weeks. Obama knew virtually right away that it was a terrorist attack and not a spontaneous uprising.

Read: "Obama Administration Knew Libya Attack Was Terrorism Within 24 Hours"

Read: "U.S. responded to Benghazi attack as terrorism on ‘Day One’: Source"

Read: "Benghazi-Gate: New Evidence White House Lied About Libya Terror Attack"

Read: "People Died, Obama Lied"

Read: "Obama Miscalculated Politics of Terrorism"

On Wednesday when Obama was on The View, he was still avoiding calling the attack terrorism, saying it "wasn't just a mob action." Although others' in the administration had begun using the T-word, Obama refused.


Four Americans died in a terrorist attack on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Obama tried to get us to believe an obscure video was to blame.

He was willing to make Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, producer of the anti-Islam film, a scapegoat. Obama put Nakoula and his family in terrible danger, just to cover his own ass.

I don't get why Obama has relatively high personal approval numbers.

He's cold and ruthless and selfish. And he's a liar.


Harvey Finkelstein said...

Lying about how an United States Ambassador and his security detail were killed and who knows what classified information was taken? No big deal. It's just Chicago politics.

Somebody might want to tell Mr. Obama that foreign policy is the number on responsibility for a President of the United States.

Mary said...

I suppose Obama doesn't want to admit that he allowed the U.S. to be attacked, terrorism on his watch.

Obama doesn't want to admit the Obama Cairo Doctrine is a complete failure.

He's a foreign policy disaster.

So he lied and sent his surrogates out to lie for him. It's what he does best. ("If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period.")

No big whoop.