Saturday, September 1, 2012

Obama: Sand Sculpture

A sculpture made of sand - the perfect material for a monument to Obama.


From Citizen Journalist, via Hot Air:

At the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Charlotte, they will have pictures of such American icons as the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore.

Apparently President Obama has such a high opinion of himself that there is also a sand sculpture of him, erected at the DNC at the EpiCentre entertainment complex, seemingly in imitation of Mount Rushmore. It consists of 15 tons of sand trucked in from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Obama's administration, his policies, are built on sand.

The foolish build on sand.

Obama is an icon made of sand, not stone.

Sand evokes the desert - dry and desolate.

Sandcastles on the shore are wiped out with a few waves. No one can stop the tide.

Yup, sand is the perfect material for a monument to Obama.

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