Friday, September 14, 2012

Obama's America: Poverty, Median Income

Are you better off than you were four years ago?

From Politico:

The number of Americans living in poverty stayed at a record high in 2011, while the median household income fell for a second straight year, the Census Bureau announced Wednesday, as it released its latest look at how Americans live.

In all, as in 2010, 46.2 million Americans lived in poverty last year, the bureau found. But the rate of poverty fell slightly -- from 15.1 percent to 15 percent -- amid continued population growth. That comes after more than one million more Americans fell below the poverty line in 2010 and as experts anticipated that the data for 2011 would show an even greater percentage of Americans below that line.

The bureau also found that Americans' median household income fell 1.5 percent to $50,053 last year -- 8.1 percent lower than it was before the start of the recession, and even lower than it was in the late 1990s.

You'd have to be a fool or a masochist to vote to reelect Obama.


Susan said...

But remember, Mary, "the big agenda on the left IS dependency. The more people who are dependent on government handouts, the more votes the left can depend on for an ever-expanding welfare state. FDR understood that. He was reelected in a landslide during which unemployment was in double digits every single month, and in some months was over 20%. Dependency pays off in votes."

Harvey Finkelstein said...

Don't miss this piece. It explains the reality underlying the politics.

We are in trouble.

Mary said...

Right, Susan. Good article. The plan is dependency. It's a sick, twisted thing, running counter to the American Dream. Obama prefers dependency and misery if it will give him votes and solidify the Dems' power. Obama is a welfare state politician.

Who pays for the dependents? We do.

The article you cite, Harvey, is downright scary. Propping up Obama is a dereliction of duty by Bernanke. How can he live with himself?

Harvey Finkelstein said...

I think that Bernake sees a depression as a real possibility, and soon. I think he's propping things up in hope that Romney is elected. There is a ton of financial trouble in Europe that is going to go bust at some point in time and we've got to be able to weather that storm.

Mary said...

If that's what he's doing, he's not the only one hoping Romney is elected.