Thursday, October 11, 2012

Martha Raddatz: Terrible Debate Moderator

Martha Raddatz is doing a horrible job of moderating this debate. She's cutting Paul Ryan off almost as often as Joe Biden is cutting him off.

I'm sure wedding guest Obama is thrilled.


Anonymous said...

Martha Raddatz is absolutely biased and equally as rude and malicious as Biden. What poor demonstration of leadership of a sitting vice president whose body language is about as mature as an 8th grade jilted school girl. Martha is a sorry excuse for a journalist and it is clear she is pro-Obama. How embarrassing to be an American tonight to be represented by a vice president who has emotional issues and unable to control his tongue and a journalist who is like a rabid raccoon.

ALH said...

My take:
Biden did what he needed to do - be aggressive and make the left base stop being mopey about Obama's performance.

Biden didn't win many new votes tonight. He might have lost some because of his over-the-top behavior.

Ryan looked cool, calm and collected.
He might have won over some independents.

It's still Romney's job to win the election.

Mary said...

I agree.