Thursday, October 18, 2012

Michelle Obama: Breaks Debate Rules, Claps (Video)

Oh, Michelle, this looks bad.

The first lady should be a good role model and set a good example. In this case, she wasn't and she didn't.

At the presidential debate Tuesday night, the cameras caught her being a poor role model and setting a terrible example.

From Real Clear Politics:

At the second presidential debate on Tuesday night, a camera caught first lady Michelle Obama clapping after moderator Candy Crowley told Republican presidential candidate Gov. Mitt Romney that President Obama called the Benghazi attack an "act of terror" soon after the attack on the U.S. consulate.

Nearly all of the audible applause came from those sitting away from the actual debate, but when FOX News' camera shot moved to a bird's-eye view it became apparent that the only applause from the participating debate audience came from first lady Michelle Obama. Mitt Romney's wife Ann was also sitting with the debate participants.

According to the rules both campaigns agreed to, or the memorandum of understanding (MOA), there is to be no clapping from members of the debate audience.

The rule: Article 9, Section A, Subsection 7: "All members of the debate audience will be instructed by the moderator before the debate goes on the air and by the moderator after the debate goes on the air not to applaud, speak, or otherwise participate in the debate by any means other than by silent observation, except as provided by the agreed upon rules of the October 16 town hall debate."

I wonder if Michelle regrets her behavior.

I hope so.


Townhall Debate Participant Confirms Michelle O Led Participant Applause

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