Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tammy Baldwin Voted Against Honoring 9/11 Victims

Tammy Baldwin is extreme and out of touch with the people of Wisconsin.

Even among the extremists in her own party, she's extreme.

Disgracefully, Baldwin was the only Wisconsin Democrat to vote NO on a resolution to honor the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

From Media Trackers:

[F]lashback to September 13, 2006, when the U.S. House of Representatives voted on a resolution to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Despite a bipartisan consensus on honoring the victims, 22 members of Congress voted against the resolution that ultimately passed 395-22. One of those “no” votes was Rep. Tammy Baldwin (WI-2).
This resolution received overwhelming bipartisan support, but Baldwin chose to align herself with the most radical representatives, actually refusing to vote to honor the 9/11 victims.

The bottom line: Baldwin doesn't represent our views. She's trying to present herself as reasonable and moderate. The reality is she's neither.

Baldwin's record reveals her extremism and her remarkable ineffectiveness in Congress.

Tommy Thompson shares our views. Baldwin's agenda simply does not reflect the interests and concerns of the people of Wisconsin.

The choice is clear.

Baldwin is utterly out of touch with us.

Thompson is for us.


jimspice said...

Baldwin is a supporter of 9/11 victims and first responders and has sponsored and voted for legislation acknowledging/benefiting them many times. THIS legislation she voted against because of the riders attached.

I get that you're not particularly interested in the truth, preferring anything that bolsters your preconceived opinions, but just in case I'm wrong, here's the piece deeming that hit ad not only false, but false and vicious:

Mary said...

Yeah, I may be one of the few but I actually watched most of both of the debates between Baldwin and Thompson.

She has talked about her objections to the PATRIOT Act as an excuse for her vote against the 9/11 victims.

I know.

Her record tells the story. It tells all we need to know about Baldwin. We need perspective on this issue: 395-22.

She's not for big government. She's for ENORMOUS government. She's a radical Leftist.

Now, on another matter--

Do you have a problem with the fact that the liberal media aren't all over the emails that reveal Obama and his team to be liars about a terrorist attack on our country, resulting in the deaths of four Americans?

Talk about "false and vicious"!

jimspice said...

First, EVERYONE is a radical leftist according to you.

Second, I don't consider the media liberal; they're to the right of me, and I'm not all that far left.

And finally, I don't know what the rationale was for official reactions to the events in Syria. Time will bear it out. But I understand your need to assign blame sight unseen.

Mary said...

First, no, "EVERYONE" is not a radical Leftist according to me.

The facts are Tammy Baldwin ranks at the top or near it in terms of being the most liberal representative in Congress.

Second, I disagree with you completely when it comes to the mainstream media.

And finally, I'm talking about Obama's Benghazi cover-up and lies, not Syria.

jimspice said...

Brain fart. Meant Libya.