Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pi Day

Today is March 14th, a day to celebrate pi.


jimspice said...

Gee, I would've thought you'd claim that mathematicians had fudged the number in order to get grant money, and circles were all a big hoax.

Mary said...

What a bizarre comment! Why would you say that?

I'm very pro-circle.

jimspice said...

Well, conservatives are not exactly famous for their embrace of science.

Mary said...

That statement is absurd.

You have an EXTREMELY narrow, inaccurate view of conservatives.

jimspice said...

What's holding up action on man-made global warming in Congress? Who's sneaking in intelligent design to textbooks? Who sunk all that money into denying smoking causes cancer? It sure ain't liberals. I'd point out a relevant study on trust in science, but who doesn't trust polls and academic research?

Mary said...

Conservatives deny the harmful effects of smoking?

That's news to me.

Man-made global warming is settled "science"?

"Sneaking" intelligent design in textbooks?

You don't understand conservatives.

jimspice said...

Yes, yes and yes. Your response sort of demonstrates my point. And you don't even realize it. Perhaps it's you and yours that don't understand yourselves?

Mary said...

No, no, and no.

I consider myself to be conservative. I know many conservatives.

I fully understand the harmful effects of smoking. I've witnessed the horrible impact on the families of members making the choice to smoke.

You may worship at the altar of man-made global warming, but I don't. Go visit the Grand Canyon, or go to the Dells for a lesson on global warming and cooling closer to home.

I am the product of Catholic schools. I never had a science textbook that mentioned intelligent design. I was never taught that the world was literally created in a matter of days. I was never taught in a science class that the only way to understand something is to believe it was God's doing. Never. My children are the product of Catholic schools. Their science textbooks have never had anything about intelligent design. Zero.

May I offer you some sincere, hopefully constructive criticism, Jim?

You need to stop painting with such a broad brush. It's unfair. Your accusastions are simply inaccurate. Your mischaracterizations of conservatives make you look foolish and uninformed.

Your statements are akin to saying all priests sexually abuse children - unfair, inaccurate, wrong.

jimspice said...

"You need to stop painting with such a broad brush."

This coming from the person who labels anyone to the left of Margaret Thatcher a "socialist."

By the way, what's the Catholic Church's position on man-made global warming.