Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dale Schultz and Sly Sylvester: Trashing Conservative Talk Radio (Audio)

Alleged Republican Dale Schultz appeared on Sly Sylvester's radio show, now broadcast on WEKZ-FM in Monroe. The Leftist talker lost his on-air home on WTDY.

Of course, Sylvester is worse than a dyed-in-the-wool liberal. He's a misogynist. He's a hater.

Wisconsin State Senator Dale Schultz seems to like the guy.

Schultz whined about 620 WTMJ having every legislator from southeastern Wisconsin "shaking in their boots." He called it "humiliating" for legislators to be "hauled in there" to "swear allegiance" and talk to host Charlie Sykes.

Here's audio, (h/t Vicki McKenna):

If Schultz is liked by Sylvester, it's time to oust Schultz if he dares to run for reelection.

Schultz claims to be a Republican. That charade is over.

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