Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Jay Carney: Press Briefing Game Plan

White House gives Jay Carney's orders for the press briefing today:

Say "the president wants to help the middle class" as many times as possible.

Say "I'm not going to give specifics about an on-going investigation."

Say "it would be inappropriate to comment on the specifics."

Say "I don't have specifics."

Say "the president believes there needs to be a balance."

Say "the Republicans are preventing Obama from doing what the people want."

Say "FOX News is to blame."

Say "unfettered."

Say "I'm not aware."

Say "political circus."

Say "on-going effort to politicize this."

Say "IF this turns out to be true."

Say "we must wait and see before we comment on how to proceed."

Smoke and mirrors. Lies and more lies.

I have never heard anyone say "unfettered" so many times in one appearance.

Obama's message to Americans, via Carney: "Wait and see. Balance. Middle class. I must be unfettered. No comment."


Eric Holder is speaking live, dueling press conferences. Anything to get attention off of Carney's meltdown.

According to the White House transcript of the press briefing, the word "unfettered" was used 12 times by Carney and 3 times by reporters.

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