Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ultrasound Bill Approved - Sonya's Law Victory for Science and Education

Science prevailed in the Wisconsin State Senate today.

Yes, science.

The State Senate passed Sonya's Law (Senate Bill 206) this morning.

It means women seeking abortions will have the opportunity to become educated on the reality of their pregnancies via ultrasound. They will have a chance to better understand the truth of their choice regarding the fate of their unborn children.

The ultrasound will inform them, give them facts, so they can make reasoned decisions. No propaganda. No distortions. Just facts about human development and the growth of an unborn baby.

From LifeNews:

The Wisconsin state senate approved a bill this morning that would allow women considering an abortion a chance to see an ultrasound of their baby beforehand. In other states with similar laws on the books, abortions have declined as women choose life for their baby.

...Senate bill 206 (Sonya’s Law) is legislation that provides a baby with the opportunity for his mother to see him through ultrasound before his mother makes a choice about how to proceed with her pregnancy. The woman can choose the type of ultrasound after all options are explained to her. The ultrasound helps to determine the age of the baby.

Armacost says Sonya, mother of two children, learned she was pregnant with her third child this past November. Sonya was stunned because she had taken precautions to not get pregnant.

Sonya worried about how she could handle another child, emotionally and financially. She seriously thought about abortion.

Armacost said Sonya saw a Milwaukee transit bus ad about a free ultrasound and decided to have one. She learned she was seven weeks pregnant. Once she saw her child and realized his heart was beating, Sonya made an emotional connection with her baby and made the decision to carry him to term. Sonya will deliver a baby boy in July.

“In spite of the blatant misinformation being promoted by the opponents of Sonya’s Law, this legislation does not force women to have a specific type of ultrasound, said Armacost. “It is up to the women to choose the type of ultrasound she prefers, after all options are explained to her. The actual language of the law states: ‘perform an obstetric ultrasound on the pregnant woman, using whichever tranducer the woman chooses after the options have been explained to her.’”
From Wisconsin Right to Life:
Wisconsin Right to Life today is hailing the passage of Senate Bill 206 (Sonya’s Law) in the State Senate.

“Wisconsin Right to Life is deeply appreciative to Senator Mary Lazich for her tremendous leadership on this issue and to the members of the State Senate who voted for this important legislation,” said Susan Armacost, Legislative Director for Wisconsin Right to Life.
The Leftists/Democrats are such hypocrites. They champion science and mock conservatives when it comes to religion, their values and beliefs.

However, when it comes to science involving medical advancements that allow women to learn the facts of fetal development, the Leftists/Democrats demand that women be treated like children. They want to disregard science. In effect, they argue that women can't handle the truth.

"No science for you!"

"No education for you!"

Education is a good thing. A pregnant woman shouldn't be misled about pregnancy and abortion. Tell the truth. Inform her with facts.

Abortion is about life and death, very serious stuff.

Women should be informed with the truth, something that an ultrasound provides.

Thanks, "science," for informing us about the beauty of new life and its development.

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