Friday, February 14, 2014

Sage Kotsenburg and Jimmy Fallon: Pros & Cons Gold Medal Snowboarder

Olympian and Gold medalist Sage Kotsenburg helped Jimmy Fallon explain the Pros & Cons of being a gold medal snowboarder.

Here's video.

JIMMY FALLON: Pro: Winning a gold medal is the ultimate high. Con...

SAGE KOTSENBURG: Suuuuuuuure it is.

FALLON: Pro: Overcoming all the pain, swelling, and tears. Con...

KOTSENBURG: But enough about Bob Costas' eyes.

FALLON: Pro: Winning gold and becoming a celebrity. Con...

KOTSENBURG: Still being mistaken for the lead singer of Nickelback.

FALLON: Pro: You're 20 years old, and you just did something you thought you'd never do! Con...

KOTSENBURG: That's what Jimmy Fallon said when he first kissed a girl.

FALLON: Pro: You can get totally 'Boned Out' while doing a 'Backside 180.' Con...

KOTSENBURG: That's what she said.