Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Benghazi: Covering Up the Cover-up

Obama and his administration and the Obama media mouthpieces have no shame.

Rather than volunteering to come clean about the terrorist attack that occurred on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, resulting in the deaths of four Americans, they are digging deeper into the muck.

Obama and company aren't stopping with the disgraceful cover-up, their well-documented lies about the protest that never was, allegedly sparked by their oft-cited video.

Now, there are new lies, new talking points, to share with the American people.

The Obama Leftist Army is at war with anyone interested in getting truthful answers about what happened in Benghazi and what the Obama administration did to keep the truth from Americans.

If you want answers, they will call you "delusional" and a "conspiracy nutjob."

Sharyl Attkisson is right when she says there is a "well-orchestrated strategy" underway.

From Randy Hall, NewsBusters:

Former CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson had some harsh words to share about the Obama administration and its supporters while she was a guest on Monday morning's Fox & Friends program.

After viewing some clips from Sunday's edition of ABC's This Week With George Stephanopoulos in which conservative pundit Laura Ingraham and Democratic analyst David Plouffe clashed over the death of four Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, Attkisson said she believes that a concerted effort is taking place to divert investigations into that deadly attack, an effort that is being orchestrated by people close to the White House.

“Well, the key words they use, such as ‘conspiracy’ and ‘delusional,’ are in my opinion clearly designed to try to controversialize a story -- a legitimate news story and a legitimate area of journalistic inquiry,” Attkisson asserted.

“To some degree, that's been successful,” she added, “but I think primarily among those who don't want to look at this as a story in the first place.”
Jay Carney said on Monday that concern about Benghazi is a partisan thing, stressing that the White House may not cooperate with the "highly partisan exercise."

FOUR DEAD AMERICANS, and this is what we get from the Obama White House.

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