Monday, May 5, 2014

Wisconsin Secession Vote

What are Democrats and Leftists, especially members of the Left-wing media, to do now that they can no longer yap about the convention of the Republican Party of Wisconsin and that secession resolution?

The Leftists, and fools like Brett Hulsey, really milked that thing. It was ridiculous. Now, it's over. They have to let it go.

I understand how much that hurts. The Leftists don't want to talk about things that matter, like Mary Burke's stance on Act 10. (She doesn't want to repeal it.)

Secession was actually still a story on TMJ4's 10:00 PM newscast on Sunday.

Let it go!

From AP:

Wisconsin Republicans at their annual convention Saturday defeated a tea party-backed resolution demanding that legislators pass bills affirming the state's right to secede and nullifying federal laws.

The GOP's conservative wing in southeastern Wisconsin's 6th Congressional District proposed the measure in March. It called on state lawmakers to uphold the state's right to secede under "extreme circumstances" based on the U.S. Constitution's 10th Amendment, which says powers the Constitution doesn't give the federal government belong to the states.

The measure also called for legislation that would nullify President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, the Common Core academic standards, indefinite detention, any presidential order that circumvents Congress and drone use in Wisconsin.

...Republican officials conscious of a public backlash tried to downplay the resolution. Gov. Scott Walker has said he doesn't support the resolution. And on Friday, 50 Assembly Republicans sent a letter to convention delegates urging them to reject the resolution, calling it a distraction.

"Unfortunately, a small minority of members wish to prove a meaningless point by voting on a resolution regarding secession," the letter said. "We need to win elections and we will not win elections on a platform that includes secession."

Longshot Democratic gubernatorial candidate Brett Hulsey, a state representative from Madison, mocked the delegates over the resolution on Friday evening, standing outside their hotel dressed as a Confederate soldier.

Ultimately, the delegates approved a motion on a voice vote to strip the secession language from the resolution. They then rejected a motion to reinsert it and struck down the entire proposal on voice votes.

...The delegates later considered a separate resolution demanding that legislators nullify Obama's health care changes in Wisconsin, sparking a fierce debate. Supporters argued it's time for states to stand up to the federal government and reject the changes. Opponents argued the resolution would lead to more damaging headlines on the heels of the secession measure and reduce the party to a laughing stock.

It appeared the delegates defeated the resolution on a voice vote, but supporters demanded a head count. Convention officials agreed, but the result was unchanged. The resolution failed 303-145.
Wisconsin Republicans rejected the secession resolution.


Of course, the Democrats and their media obsessed over the issue. Talking secession is much better for them than talking about Scott Walker's achievements. They certainly can't talk about the "great" Mary Burke. It's not surprising that the Leftists jumped on this lame resolution, but the fervor of their obsession with it certainly indicates just how desperate they are to distract from Governor Walker's success and the hollowness of the Burke campaign.

The convention is over. The resolution was easily defeated.

Time to stop talking about this.

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