Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mike Dawson, Cyberbully: War on Women

Mike Dawson has been waging his version of a very personal, vile War on Women for years.

Read a brief history of Mike Dawson's cyberbullying here.

When Mike Dawson could no longer submit comments to my blog, he sent his bullying remarks via email.

Here are four emails Mike Dawson sent to me after his years of relentless abuse and harassment prompted me to shut down comments on this website.
  Two are from 2013 and two are from 2014.

I will post Mike Dawson's communications in their entirety, no editing other than redacting his email address. To assist the reader, I will highlight the particularly abusive, bullying sections in red to emphasize my point - Mike Dawson uses the Internet for purposes of harassment and abuse.

goodplanet <********************>


to me

"The audience tuned in to watch a football game, not to be browbeaten..."If the topic were something unrelated to pro-football or sport, I'd say you have a point. But in this case, we're talking about a professional football team who refuses to accept the reality that their naming choices often offend citizens of this once great land. I did not see Bob's commentary but I wish if I had that he'd broaden the discussion to include all pro-sports teams, especially those who utilize some public facility (stadium, ball park, hockey arena). This is not an issue of "majority rule". When protecting someone's rights this issue is not subject to a popular vote. The Supreme Court has a history of issuing opinions to correct the perceived wrongs when someone or some group is being discriminated against. Civil rights, women's voting rights, gay rights. Chances are you're been on the wrong side of most all of these issues over time.

While we're on the subject (which you selected) the country has more offenders than just the Washington DC pro football team who need to make some chances. Besides the Redskins the following professional sports teams need to proactively make changes: Atlanta Braves, KC Chiefs, Cleveland Indians, and Chicago Blackhawks.

In the college ranks, the Chippewa Indian Tribe supports use of their name as mascot of Central Michigan University where I went to school in the 70's. Similarly, the Seminole Nation and Seminole Tribe of Florida endorses use of their name by Florida St. Univ., though I suspect they should make changes soon too. Meanwhile, in our nation's capitol the fight song essential says it all - or at least enough to persuade most thinking/caring Americans that time has come to correct this problem:

"Hail to the Redskins! Hail, victory! Braves on the warpath! Fight for Old D.C.! Scalp 'em, swamp 'um...We will take 'um big score, Read 'um, Weep 'um, touchdown, We want heap more, Fight on, fight on, till you have won, Sons of Washington, Rah! Rah! Rah!" Lyrics to team fight song, circa 1962.

Scalp 'em? Gee, that's a pleasant chant for fans, including little kids, to be making in the stands with images of bloody flesh clinched in some Tea Bagger's fist. Face it - you're a racist prick/bitch/pig through and through. You may claim that you do not realize how offensive you are, perhaps. But I doubt it. I suspect you do realize it - and you do it intentionally. You are evil.


former Republican
green energy producer
former newspaper editor
vindicated Obama booster
small business owner & pioneer
retired communications executive
advocate for strict gun-control & reform
avoids mindless forms of "social media"
Accepting Thomas Paine's challenge - exposing "mary"


goodplanet <********************>


to me

"mary": Just read your critique of the Time magazine person of the year - what a crack-up! He is obviously too liberal for you....that, or, you've been influenced by the recent rash of right-wing conservative critiques of your Pope. The guy just can not win if the radical right-wing fringe is attacking him. Especially when you factor that the left largely is critical of your church's stance on so many issues including abortion, contraception, pedophiles, and more.

"TIME is irrelevant." Oh really? That is why you took a moment to write one of your longest "blog" entries in months....and why virtually every media source: be it TV, radio, print newspapers, or online.....all devoted significant coverage to the POY. Time may be hurting compared to past years as far as paid subscriptions is considered - and advertising sales may be lower than it once was...but it's still significant, journalistically speaking.

Flashback: Time's POY 2012 - Barack Obama (you avoided mentioning it). The President was also Time POY in 2008.

LOL (yes - you really are a pathetic bitch/witch, prick/pig.)


former Republican
green energy producer
former newspaper editor
vindicated Obama booster
small business owner & pioneer
retired communications executive
advocate for strict gun-control & reform
avoids mindless forms of "social media"
Accepting Thomas Paine's challenge - exposing "mary"
One of the people responsible for exposing "mary" and bring this "blog" down
One of the people responsible for giving Obama a second term - and proud of it.


goodplanet <********************>

Jan 21

to me

"Imagine the uproar there would be if Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said pro-abortion activists were not welcome in Wisconsin."

a) the proper term is "pro-choice" - not "pro-abortion". I'm glad that abortion numbers have been in a steady decline as woman find alternatives, and avoid unwanted pregnancies. I'm glad that you continue to be in the minority on this subject.

b) your state government has effectively said that legal abortions are not welcome in WI (by blocking funding of Planned Parenthood, by entertaining "personhood" legislation, by closing clinics).

You are a pathetic dick/prick/witch/bitch/jerk. Throughout your so-called "blog"....for YEARS....you have trashed those who you disagree with - name calling, and more. So now that the tables are turning and progressives are calling a spade a spade, you take offense? You make no sense. It must bother you that your conservative views are not more widely held. It must bother you a lot that you are once again in the minority. It bothers you that Barack Obama won in 2008. It bothers you even more that Barack Obama was re-elected by an even larger margin in 2012. It bothers you that Tammy Baldwin was elected U.S. Senator for your state. Might these be signs that in 2014 these trends will continue, and your boy Walker loses his bid for re-election? Gosh, I hope so.  
BTW: did you see that USA Today story about income disparity? "Richest 1% own nearly half of world's wealth" I'm part of that group - the top .7% (and you're obviously not). LOL. I'm a self-made millionaire - didn't inherit a dime. I worked harder than you, applied myself, lived within my means, enjoyed a wee-bit of luck and good fortune, and did not disparage others along the way (as you do). You're a loser ... you're pathetic - you're evil.


former Republican
green energy producer
former newspaper editor
vindicated Obama booster
Green Bay Packer stockholder
small business owner & pioneer
retired communications executive
advocate for strict gun-control & reform
avoids mindless forms of "social media"
Accepting Thomas Paine's challenge - exposing "mary"
One of the people responsible for exposing "mary" and bring this "blog" down
One of the people responsible for giving Obama a second term - and proud of it.
update: 12/11/13 - Saved 30% on cost of personal health care insurance thru the ACA - and got better coverage!


goodplanet <********************>

Mar 25

to me

Let's see if I have this right....Mitt Romney, defeated GOP candidate for President, engages in a public attack of our sitting US President who the vast majority of thinking, caring, voting Americans selected, twice, to serve as their President....calling Mr. Obama weak and feckless. And then a late-night TV comedian makes a joke about how misguided Romney is, and you're offended?????? You're offended that Fallon made fun of Romney???? Based on that foundation, you therefore feel entitled to attack Mr. Obama for wearing "Mom jeans"???? I still have no clue what Mom jeans are....and why that comment is somehow s'posed to be interpreted negatively. Moms wear jeans, Dads wear jeans, heck, I even wear jeans. Chances are pretty strong that you own a pair too. Are you being critical of the President for being thin and tall and physically fit? I just don't get it.

What I do get is that you're a lunatic. I realize you are not alone, but fortunately idiots like you are still a dinky minority of our population. Each time the occupants of the "clown car" make these claims and say this crap they need to be called out. Admittedly you make it more challenging since you pretend to be ignoring your email received from readers, and long-ago stopped publishing reader feedback & comments. You are not interested in engaging in dialogue - you really do not want a "blog" or exchange of ideas. You want a soapbox in which you can rant.

How pathetic is that? No wonder your spouse wanted to leave you. No wonder people at work and your neighbors hate you. No wonder you get zero sympathy for living beyond your means in that dinky-assed Lavern & Shirley style house with its underwater home mortgage. How pathetic can you possibly be?

You are evil.


former Republican
green energy producer
former newspaper editor
vindicated Obama booster
Green Bay Packer stockholder
small business owner & pioneer
retired communications executive
advocate for strict gun-control & reform
avoids mindless forms of "social media"
One of the people responsible for giving Obama a second term - and proud of it.

As you can see, Mike Dawson verbally attacked me, degraded me, abused me.

I have piles of emails with Mike Dawson calling me "bitch," "pig," "witch," "jerk," etc.  He constantly refers to me as evil.

For some reason, Mike Dawson likes to say my house is underwater and my spouse intends to leave me.  He likes to say those closest to me hate me.

Creepy and cruel and just weird. Very disturbing behavior by Mike Dawson.

As you can see, the self-proclaimed Leftist Michael Dawson engaged in a merciless War on Women.

I received thousands of emails and comments from Mike Dawson.

Mike Dawson's abuse went on nonstop, for YEARS.


  1. You don't need to allow/disallow comments on a post by post basis. You can block comments by email or by IP. If you need help figuring it out, I'd be glad to help.

  2. I didn't know that was possible with Blogger!

    That would have been so much easier and saved me a lot of grief. I'll check into that.

    I really appreciate your offer to help. Thanks!


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