Tuesday, October 14, 2014

John Lehman - DEMOCRAT, Draft Dodger

John Lehman, DEMOCRAT candidate for Lieutenant Governor, is a proud draft dodger.

(Did you know Lehman was running with Mary Burke? If not, don't feel bad. It's one of the best kept secrets in Wisconsin. Right up there with Burke's 7-year unexplained employment gap.)

Yes, Mary Burke's running mate is a draft dodger.

From Media Trackers:

[In May 2012], Wisconsin Reporter released an interview with John Lehman.... In the interview, Lehman admitted to being a draft dodger and gave his account of the events.

By dropping out of graduate school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he was required by law to fulfill his draft obligation by serving in the military. Instead, he chose to apply for selective conscientious objector status, which was subsequently denied.

After passing his physical, stating him suitable for military service, he was ordered to report for military induction on August 5th 1968. He did report to the induction ceremony but refused to be inducted and went home, which resulted in felony charges being brought against him. After being found guilty of felony charges of refusing induction, he served 90 days in Waukesha County Jail and subsequently 21 months of probation. His sentence was interrupted by President Ford, who pardoned all draft dodgers of the Vietnam War after he took office.

More than 35 years after his conviction, when asked how he would behave if given the chance to live those events again, Lehman replied, “I would have taken the same course.”
Do Wisconsin voters really know Burke and Lehman?

If they did, would the gubernatorial race be as close as it is?

Here's video of Lehman, DRAFT DODGER, explaining his history:

He says he has "a great deal of respect for the Greatest Generation" before the video cuts.

I guess World War II was a moral war and those vets served honorably.

Does Lehman have a "great deal of respect" for Vietnam vets?

It's hard to say. Lehman isn't playing a high profile role in Mary Burke's campaign. To most people, he's completely unknown.


Why would Burke and the Democrats want a radical Leftist like Lehman on the ticket if they find it necessary to keep the guy hidden?

I suppose they're appealing to that group of Leftist extremists who hate the military.

That makes me think of the way anti-war activists greeted Vietnam vets when they returned home. They were called baby killers. Was Lehamn one of those activists?

Funny that so many of these same Leftists tow the party line and are rabidly pro-abortion.

They cheer the killing of TENS OF MILLIONS OF babies since the Supreme Court of the United States declared abortion legal in all 50 states in 1973. That's a good thing. That's a choice. Pacifists. What a joke!

But I digress.

Bottom line: John Lehman, DEMOCRAT candidate for Lieutenant Governor, is a convicted draft dodger.

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