Friday, January 20, 2017

Rachel Maddow: Trump's Inaugural Address - Like 'Hitler's Rise'

This is MSNBC and Rachel Maddow. This is coming from a news network and its broadcast, not the scribblings of an Internet troll.

The Left (MSNBC) has lost its mind.

From the Daily Caller:
[Rachel] Maddow noted that Trump’s “guiding principle will be ‘America first, America first,'” which she explained “has very dark echoes in American history.”

“There was an America First Committee that formed in this country, hundreds of thousands of people in this country, some of the richest businessmen in the country were part of it,” she added. “They were formed to keep us out of World War II. They were infiltrated by the Nazis, many of them are anti-Semitic, which is part of why they weren’t alarmed by Hitler’s rise in Germany.”

“The America First Committee is something that means a specific thing in this country. To repurpose it now, not that far down the historical path, it’s hard. It’s hard to hear.”
Trump is Hitler. He plans to take the country down that path.

Yeah. Right.


THE moment: How the Left lost its mind

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