Monday, October 23, 2017

Bill Penzey and 'White' FOX News Viewers

I thought maybe Bill Penzey had decided to tone down his Penzeys Spices emails a bit and stick to pushing seasonings rather than political propaganda.

Not the case.

His email yesterday highlighted Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss and "white people of a certain age."

Today's the last day of our special introductory offer on our brand new Pico Fruta Seasoning of a free half-cup jar with any $5 purchase. And on this the last day of our offer, I would like to point out Dr. Seuss understood what it is to be human really well. His book Green Eggs and Ham is one you should purchase and take turns reading with the young people you know. Part of the beauty of life is that it evolves, ever becoming something new, something more. Yet it is in our human nature to not just hold on to the past, but to elevate it in our minds to maybe something far more ideal than it could have ever been, and this is not always healthy for us

In Green Eggs and Ham the Dr. summed up well our resistance to the new, but other writers have done that too. But what makes Dr. Seuss for the ages is his understanding of the incredible transformation that takes place when someone lets go of their pre-judging and allows themself to experience what is right in front of all of us. The book itself was first published in 1960, so the unnamed main character is still reading the newspaper. Today I would guess it would start with him watching Fox News. Still, Sam-I-am never gives up on him, never stops trying to break through. And where in 1960 the issue was just flat-out color, these days it's disguised as one of culture, though we all know it's still the very same issue.

So Pico Fruta. Like Sam-I-am, we must never give up on trying to pull Fox viewers out of the sweet self-satisfaction the propaganda Fox broadcasts gives to a segment of white people of a certain age. But equally important is we must all try, no matter what our backgrounds, to resist becoming the next segment that the self-righteous lure of intolerance takes hold of. There's only so much we can do inside other people's minds, so that's why I'm encouraging you to keep trying new things and embracing cultures new to us. And for so many of us, Pico Fruta is exactly that.

Give Pico Fruta a try. It is different, and it will take you a couple bites for your mind to wrap itself around its tastiness, but with that third bite—happiness, that same happiness that Sam-I-am worked so very-very hard to achieve. As Americans we must never forget different isn't just good, different is a huge part of what has always made America great. Pico Fruta is very much an acknowledgement of all the goodness that comes with being the nation of immigration including the goodness Americans of Central American and Mexican ancestry have added to this country we now share.
Bill Penzey is incredibly close-minded and intolerant and amazingly pompous.
Like Sam-I-am, we must never give up on trying to pull Fox viewers out of the sweet self-satisfaction the propaganda Fox broadcasts gives to a segment of white people of a certain age. But equally important is we must all try, no matter what our backgrounds, to resist becoming the next segment that the self-righteous lure of intolerance takes hold of. There's only so much we can do inside other people's minds, so that's why I'm encouraging you to keep trying new things and embracing cultures new to us.
Penzey declares FOX News viewers, particularly "white people of a certain age," to be a problem.

He believes "we must never give up on trying to pull Fox viewers out of the sweet self-satisfaction the propaganda Fox broadcasts gives to a segment of white people of a certain age."

Penzey is a businessman, yet, clearly, he doesn't want to appeal to "white people of a certain age." He prefers to trash them rather than try to get them to be his customers.

Not smart.

Not smart at all.

Penzey apparently thinks using such divisive tactics is a good way to promote his business.

So many things Leftists do are not smart.

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