Thursday, October 19, 2017

John Kelly and Rep. Frederica Wilson

I hope the Trump haters realize there are instances that should not be politicized. Some things are sacred.

There are times even Trump haters need to put all their garbage aside and show respect and quit smearing the president.

Exploiting the death of a military member killed in action to advance their ugly political attacks is such a case.

GENERAL JOHN KELLY: So I still hope, as you write your stories, and I appeal to America, that let's not let this maybe last thing that's held sacred in our society -- a young man, young woman going out and giving his or her life for our country -- let's try to somehow keep that sacred. But it eroded a great deal yesterday by the selfish behavior of a member of Congress.


As I walk off the stage, understand there's tens of thousands of American kids, mostly, doing their nation's bidding all around the world. They don't have to be in uniform. You know, when I was a kid, every man in my life was a veteran -- World War II, Korea, and there was the draft. These young people today, they don't do it for any other reason than their selfless -- sense of selfless devotion to this great nation.

We don't look down upon those of you who that haven't served. In fact, in a way we're a little bit sorry because you'll never have experienced the wonderful joy you get in your heart when you do the kinds of things our service men and women do -- not for any other reason than they love this country. So just think of that.

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