Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Reince Priebus Endorses Leah Vukmir

Reince Priebus knows Wisconsin politics.

He successfully orchestrated the Republican revolution in 2010, helping Scott Walker become governor and Ron Johnson unseat Russ Feingold.

Of course, as chairman of the RNC, he went on to play a vital role in the successes of Election 2016, delivering the House, the Senate, and the presidency to Republicans.

He served as President Trump's chief of staff.

Although Priebus has held high profile positions, I don't think he's received the recognition he deserves.

On Monday, Mark Belling interviewed Priebus. They discussed his endorsement of Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senate, a great endorsement for her.

During the very interesting and enlightening interview, Priebus said he continues to speak with President Trump on a regular basis.

REINCE PRIEBUS: As far as I'm concerned, I think the president is doing a great job. I still have a good relationship with the president. We meet, we talk on the phone, I support him, and I'm going to continue to do it. I'm never going to be one of these people who write books and spout my mouth off. It's just not who I am. It's not the legacy I want to be. And as you know me, I'll never become that. So, I look at the fundamentals. And if you look at the fundamentals, you look at the economy, you look at unemployment, you look at ISIS, you look at the courts, you look at the federal courts more than any president in one year in the history of our country -- he gets an A+.


I talk to him maybe every three or four or five days. We met for lunch a couple times. I think we both appreciate each other and like each other and consider each other friends. We talk sometimes about the issues of the day or something that's going on that's in the news and what maybe a good way around it is, and the same things we've always talked about. I don't want to get into too much of that, Mark, but it's a good relationship, and, you know, he deserves loyalty from people that he gave an opportunity to.

The podcast of the show is here. The Priebus interview begins at 93:00.

I'm very happy that Priebus has endorsed Leah Vukmir, a solid Republican sure to serve the citizens of Wisconsin well.

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