Friday, May 11, 2018

Hallie Jackson: Prisoners' Release 'Choreographed' and 'Staged'

So many Leftists are accusing the Trump administration of choreographing the return of three U.S. prisoners that were held in North Korea.

What an idiotic claim!

Did the Trump administration delay the flight so the prisoners could be welcomed home at a time more Americans could watch? If their return home was staged, why would it happen just before 3:00 AM?

It was a very cheap shot by Jackson and others like her.

The prisoners' return home was very dramatic, an event that was made for live TV. Just because it was riveting TV doesn't mean it was choreographed. The three freed men had to get off the plane. That's what happens upon returning home. That wasn't staged. Certainly, there was interest in seeing their arrival.

The criticism comes because the anti-Trump media are deranged.

In terms of choreography and staging, nothing compares to Obama's "white lab coat" affair.

The White House passed out lab coats to stage the photo op! In effect, the White House provided costumes.

That is staging.

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