Monday, June 18, 2018

Leah Vukmir Ad - 'Threatened'

Leah Vukmir released an ad today that has people talking.

That's exactly what an ad should do.

The ad is called "Threatened."


How one responds to this ad has a lot to do with what one brings to the table.

If you live in Wisconsin, if you were around during the Act 10 Democrat insurgency, you understand what Leah Vukmir is saying.

I remember the occupation of the capitol and the protests of the crazed, deranged Leftists. It was similar to what we see now in response to President Trump, complete lunacy. The insanity of the Democrats and the death threats directed at Scott Walker and other Republicans, like Vukmir, are vivid memories, making the current display of Trump Derangement Syndrome so familiar. Here in Wisconsin, we've witnessed the Democrats melt down. Of course, their meltdown caused Gov. Scott Walker to make history and win the recall election.

While Leah Vukmir, Scott Walker and his family, and others received threats of violence, we all were threatened. The Democrats' attempted to undo the election. They had a tantrum and we stood firm. We won.

That context must be addressed when viewing the ad.

The family photos at the beginning ground the message. It's clear that the safety and well-being of our loved ones must be defended and Vukmir intends to do that.

As the camera pans past the photos and through the room, we see Vukmir seated at the table as she addresses the viewer. The camera draws the viewer toward her and into her message. It's as if we're sitting across from her. It's very effective.

What's on the table is causing some controversy. There's that big gun.

It is somewhat jarring, as reality can be, but it's not disturbing. She's not holding the gun. She's not pointing the gun at anyone, but it's there, ready to use to defend if necessary.

The ad does not advocate violence. To the contrary, it displays the reality of good people exercising their rights under the Constitution. It's a visual representation that Vukmir is a strong person, refusing to give in to the relentless threats that conservatives receive. Vukmir showed her mettle in 2011 and 2012 when she took on union bosses. Later, she worked to defund Planned Parenthood. She reminds the viewer that she isn't a spineless Republican, even mentioning her intent to work with President Trump.

Showing Vukmir with the gun also speaks to her primary opponent, Kevin Nicholson. Nicholson, a Marine veteran, focuses on his military service in his campaign, "Send in the Marine." This ad dispels the notion that Vukmir isn't as tough as Nicholson. Although she wasn't a Marine, she's not going to back down in a fight. Also, very effective.

In addition to the gun silently sending a message, there's the cross. Vukmir wears a cross necklace that's impossible to miss. When I watched the ad, I didn't take the cross to be a rallying cry to Christians. Much like the gun, I see it as an embrace of our freedoms. Vukmir is unashamed to express her faith. The cross doesn't exclude anyone. It sends the message that we each have the right to worship according to our own conscience.

I'm sure people will yap that this ad is full of dog whistles. While it is packed with meaning, I don't think its meaning is hidden.

It's all out there on the table.

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