Monday, June 25, 2018

Leftists Off the Rails

On Saturday, I read this New York Times article.

It was a surprisingly balanced discussion of how Trump supporters are reacting to the insanity and derangement of the Democrats/Leftists and why they continue to support the president.

I think the article failed to give enough emphasis to the policy matters that are driving support for Trump. But overall, for a New York Times piece, it didn't berate the people supporting Trump.

That's probably because the people interviewed for the article pointed out that the off the rails derangement of the Leftists plays a big part in keeping them in Trump's corner.

I don't know why Democrats/Leftists/Never Trumpers have failed to grasp that their lunacy is not bringing Trump voters to their side. In fact, their insane words and actions serve to solidify support for Trump.

The Democrats/Leftists/Never Trumpers are incredibly clueless. Not the brightest bulbs.

James Woods nails it. We aren't taking it anymore.

We've had enough of their "rude, violent, profane, and disgusting" behavior.

This is so like Wisconsin in 2011 and 2012. The Democrats/Leftists went crazy, but we didn't back down.

We won.

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