Thursday, September 27, 2018

Two Men, Not Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge

Could this saga get any weirder?


From National Review:

The Senate Judiciary Committee is talking to two men who think they may have been the one who assaulted Christine Blasey Ford, one of the women accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Ford wrote a letter in July to Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the committee, detailing the alleged assault. Kavanaugh and a classmate, Mark Judge, trapped her in a bedroom at an alcohol-saturated party when they were both minors in high school, she said. Kavanaugh then pinned her to a bed and tried to take off her clothes before she managed to escape, she claimed.

However, the unidentified men in question told the committee in separate interviews that they, not Kavanaugh, were the one who had the encounter with Ford in the summer of 1982 that is the basis of her claim, the committee wrote in a timeline of the investigation.
Trying to piece together what happened at a high school party more than 35 years ago, especially without knowing any information to identify the event, such as when it was or where it was, is ridiculous.

So much of this is all so wrong, beginning with Dianne Feinstein inexcusably sitting on Christine Blasey Ford's letter until after the confirmation hearing.

As unhinged as the Democrats have been since Hillary Clinton lost the election, they have outdone themselves with Brett Kavanaugh. They are willing to destroy a man in order to satisfy people who worship the murder of unborn babies.

This thuggery cannot be allowed to stand.


Sherman Broder said...

How's this for "weirder?"

Apparently, Mark Judge wrote a book in 1997 detailing his drunken, blackout-laden escapades while in high school. A book review at the time says this about the tome:

"This coming-of-age memoir is presented from the perspective of an 'ordinary' kid who grew up in a small town outside Washington, D.C., attended Catholic school, and experimented with alcohol in a fairly typical way. What is atypical is where the experimentation led. While his drunken acts first appear as little more than adolescent antics and harmless pranks, it slowly becomes apparent that there is a serious problem lurking behind the laughs and half-racks."

The book is out of print and apparently sheds no light on the the current controversy. If it did, it would no doubt be all over the "news." But considering that Mark Judge and Kavanaugh were said to be best friends in high school, the book does make me think that the judge was not quite the high school choir boy he claims to have been.

Anonymous said...

The Democrat senators try to prove unsuccessfully that Brett Kavanaugh dad a lapse of memory due to drinking, but I saw that Dr. Christine Ford did have a lapse of memory. She named her best friend as being in the same party, but is contradicted by the friend. She did not remember the specific place where the incident occur. As for the time, now she ask people to look at Mark Judge's resume from the time he's still in high school. Nobody dared to grill her on whether she had a lapse of memory during or around the incident, which probably will make her mad!