Friday, October 12, 2018

Democrats: Unhinged Mob

Democrats are deranged. They are encouraging the use of radical, violent methods. They are utterly out of control.

This is just like Wisconsin in 2011, when Leftist extremists occupied Madison and collectively lost their minds. That, of course, translated into a historic political loss, with Gov. Scott Walker defeating Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in the recall election.

We resoundingly rejected the Democrat Mob and their tactics then.

Now, the nation is getting to see the crazed Democrat Mob in action. I doubt that Americans are going to sit by and permit the Democrat Mob to assume power, just as we refused to reward the Democrat Mob in Wisconsin.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: The Democrats have become too extreme, and they've become, frankly, too dangerous to govern. They've gone wacko.... You don't hand matches to an arsonist, and you don't give power to an angry Left-wing mob, and that's what the Democrats have become.


The Leftists sure look like an "angry mob" to me, probably because THEY ARE AN ANGRY MOB.

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