Saturday, November 9, 2019

Evers Leads War on Christmas

Gov. Tony Evers has gone back to calling the state Capitol Christmas tree a holiday tree, reigniting an old fight over what to call the evergreen.

...Evers called the tree a holiday tree Friday. He announced that the tree's theme will be "Celebrate Science" and asked schoolchildren to submit science-related ornaments for the tree.
"Celebrate Science"?

Nothing says Christmas like science, right?

Good grief.

Well, I guess there is a way science and Christmas could merge.

Since Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ, school kids required to submit "science-related" ornaments should consider making ornaments showing the beauty of human development. Ornaments that put the focus on ultrasound images of babies would be nice. They would display scientific facts as well as referring to the birth of the Savior.

A tree filled with beautiful depictions of growing babies would be a celebration of the birth of Jesus, with all its hope and joy.

It would also remind people that Evers and the radical Democrats support the slaughter of precious human life, the complete opposite of what Christmas means.

I doubt ornaments showing the science of human life would be permitted on the "holiday tree" at the Capitol.

Evers and the abortion-loving Democrats are science deniers, and they are waging war against our religious freedom. Evers and the Democrats don't hesitate to display their overt hostility to Christians.

That's the governor of Wisconsin.

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