Monday, December 16, 2019

Comey: 'I Was Wrong'

This guy is an absolute disgrace.

This former FBI director who brags about trying to hide from President Trump by blending in with the White House curtains, this admitted leaker, should have to pay for his role in the attempted coup.

Enduring some tough questions from Chris Wallace is not enough. Comey needs to be held accountable.

Simply moving on is not an appropriate response to this wrongdoing and all the damage done to the country.

Comey and his coup partners deserve punishment commensurate with the magnitude of their operation to obstruct the peaceful transition of power to the duly elected president, disrupting the results of the 2016 election.

Nothing in our country's history compares to this scandal.

Comey has trashed the FBI's reputation.

So many men and women serve honorably, but the FBI is in shambles. The revelations of how that government agency and our tax dollars were used to attempt to overthrow the president of the United States make it impossible to have faith in the FBI.

Treasonous plots have consequences.

The agency is not to be trusted.

Congratulations, Comey.

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